This study will investigate the energy use reductions, usability, preferred features, and opportunities for engagement, through smart metering technologies to help determine recommendations for the ongoing tenant engagement program.

The goal of this project is to measure and determine the amount of energy savings that are available through non-behavioral interventions, such as a simple switch on surge protectors. These solutions allow facilities services to quantify the energy use consumed through plug loads and can help building occupants better understand the consumption of their everyday equipment.

“Smart” or “advanced” power strips, wall meters, or controlled power surge protectors are technologies that can display, manage, and control electronic devices that draw plug loads/electricity from a building.

If you have any further questions please reach out to Shelby Ruiz

Smart Strip Signup

Pre-Installation Survey

Please complete this questionnaire to help us program the Smart Power Strip (SPS) prior to the installation, which minimizes any unnecessary disruption to your workday. The additional questions related to energy use and thermal preferences are to provide us with a greater understanding of occupant behavior and perceived thermal comfort:
Would you like a free Smart Power Strip or to update the schedule for your existing strip?(Required)

What is your typical ON CAMPUS work schedule?

Is your schedule subject to change each semester, for example, as a result of differing course schedules?(Required)
Do you share your workspace with other people that have a different On-Campus work Schdule from your own?(Required)
How often do you work from home? (Days per Week)(Required)
How often do you shut down your computer at the end of the work day? (Days per week)(Required)
Do you consider your office space to be a comfortable temperature?(Required)

Do you use a Printer?(Required)
If yes, how often is it in use?
Do you share the Printer with co-workers?(Required)

Do you use a Space Heater?(Required)
If available, how often is the Space heater in use?
Do you use a Fan?(Required)
If available, how often is the Fan in use?

In the meantime, please take a look at the FAQ & Additional Information above! 🙂

Please be sure to click the Submit button below to ensure your responses are recorded. Thank you!

You can expect a follow up email from our team after we have processed all responses.


Below is some important information you should know regarding your smart strip

– Daylight Savings Information
– Guide to Manual Override
– Kitchenette PSA
– User Manual

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Please complete the form below and specify which you’d like: a new device or updating an existing device

A: Like any clock, the timer on the device must be changed to ‘Daylight Saving Time‘. This is a simple function outlined in your handbook: Press the ‘HOUR‘ and ‘MIN‘ buttons simultaneously to activate or deactivate this function. Note: a small symbol “+1h” will appear on the screen when this function is active.

A: YES! Your participation in the Smart Power Strip study is completely free.

A: The programming is set to offer an hour cushion on either end of your indicated routine. However, if you are using your Smart Power Strip outside of this window, you can override the program by pressing the ‘Manual’ button once. This will temporarily override the programming until the next scheduled cycle.

A: We are currently focusing on faculty and staff within French and Lighty, Smith CUE, Todd Hall (+addition), and Johnson Tower. Keep a look out as we expand to more buildings across campus in the future!

A: Yes, we will provide as many as necessary for the number of devices you have

A: Select devices are reserved for the ‘Always On‘ portion of the Smart Power Strip, which operates independently of the timer. This always includes your PC, to allow for remote access and ITS updates. It also includes the printer, as powering it on each morning is an energy-intensive process and manually turning on the printer for intended use is proven to be more efficient.

The ‘Switched‘ portion operates on a timer and is scheduled to turn off and on based on your work schedule.

A: If you would like to purchase an SPS for your home, here is the link to do so!

A: The strip is not smart enough to change automatically and needs to be manually updated each time.