
Journal Articles | Conference Proceedings | Conference Abstracts | Technical Reports | Undergraduates & Graduates Reports

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

September 1, 2022Ruiz, S., Day, J. K., Govertsen, K., Kane, M. (2022). Communication Breakdown: The Disconnect between Building Operators and Occupants. Energy Research and Social Science, 91.
July 2020O’Brien, W., Wagner, A., Schweiker, M., Mahdavi, A., Day, J. Baun Kjærgaard, M., Carlucci, S., Dong, B., Tahmasebi, F., Yan, D., Hong, T., Gunay, B, Nagy, Z., Miller, C., & Berger, C. (2019). Introducing IEA EBC Annex 79: Key challenges and opportunities in the field of occupant-centric building design and operation. Building and Environment.
July 2020Day, J., McIlvennie, C., Brackley, C., Tarantini, M., Piselli, C., Hahn, J., O’Brien, W., Schweiker, M., Subashini Rajus, V., De Simone, M., Baun Kjærgaard, M., Schlüter, A., Peng, Y., Fajilla, G., Becchio, C., Fabi, V., Spigliantini, G., Derbas, G., Pritoni, M., Pisello, A.L. (2020). : Behavior, energy use impacts and occupant comfort. A review of select human-building interfaces and their relationship to human behavior, energy use and occupant comfort. Building and Environment, 178.
September 2, 2020Agee, P., O’Brien, W., Day, J., & Brackley, B. (2020). Toward a user-centered built environment. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 26:9, 1163 1164, DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2020.1810380
October 2019O’Brien, W., & Schweiker, M., Day, J. (2019). Get the picture? Lessons learned from a smartphone-based post-occupancy evaluation. Energy Research & Social Science, 56.
July 2019O’brien, W., Schweiker, M., & Day, J. K. (2019). Get the picture? Lessons learned from a smartphone-based post-occupancy evaluation. Energy Research & Social Science, 56. doi:10.1016/j.erss.2019.101224
June 2019Day, J. K. (2019). Losing metrics … finding heart: Sharing stories to foster better design, social justice, and compassion. Journal of Global Responsibility, 10(2), 176-192. doi:10.1108/JGR-10-2018-0055
May 22, 2019Day, J. (2019). Losing metrics … finding heart. Sharing stories to foster better design, social justice, and compassion. Journal of Global Responsibility, 10 (2), 176–192. doi: 10.1108/JGR-10-2018-0055
May 2019Day, J., Futrell, B., Cox, R., & Ruiz, S*. (2019). Blinded by the light: Occupant perceptions and visual comfort assessments of three dynamic daylight control systems and shading strategies. Building and Environment, 154, 107–121.
August 2017Day, J., & O’Brien, W. (2017). Oh behave! Survey stories and lessons learned from building occupants in high-performance buildings. Energy Research & Social Science, 31, 11-20.
April 2017Xu, X., Maki, A. Chen, C.F., Dong, B., & Day, J., (2017). Investigating willingness to save energy and communication about energy use in the American workplace with the attitude-behavior-context model. Energy Research & Social Science, in press.
August 2017Chen, C.F., Xu, X., & Day, J. (2017). Thermal Comfort or Money Saving? Exploring Determinants of Low-Income Households’ Intentions to Conserve Energy in the U.S.. Energy Research & Social Science, 26, 61-71.
August 2016Orthel, B, & Day, J. (2016). Processing Beyond Drawing: A Case Study Exploring Ideation for Teaching Design. SAGE Open, July-September, 1-16. doi: 10.1177/2158244016663285
November 2014Day, J. & Gunderson, D.E. (2014). Understanding high performance buildings: The link between occupant knowledge of passive design systems, corresponding behaviors, occupant comfort and environmental satisfaction. Building and Environment, 84, 114–124. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv. 2014.11.003V
March 2012Day, J., Theodorson, J., & Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2012). Understanding Controls, Behaviors and Satisfaction in the Daylit Perimeter Office: A Daylight Design Case Study. Journal of Interior Design, 37(1), 17-34.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

2023Ruiz, S. & Day, J. (2023). Time marches on: Supporting holistic health in older adults through the built environment. Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe. Aachen, Germany.
2023Day, J., & Ruiz, S., Colligan, Z. (2023). Heat of the moment: Reshaping energy efficiency decisions made by building occupants. Healthy Buildings 2023 Europe. Aachen, Germany.
June 2022Day, J., Ruiz, S., Wilson J.A., Simpson, A. (2022). Qualitative evaluation of barriers, awareness, and adoption of LLLC technologies. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2022. Pacific Grove, CA.
June 2022Ruiz, S. & Day, J., Rothlisberger, S. (2022). Re-thinking Building Interface Characteristics in Senior Living Facilities: Equity and Energy. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2022. Pacific Grove, CA.
March 2020Day, J., Ruiz, S., O’Brien, W., & Schweiker, M. (2018). Seeing is believing: A mixed Methods Approach to Understanding the Human-building Interface. Paper presented at the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings.
2020Day, J., Moore, Z**., Ruiz, S. (2020). Snuggies at work: Case study examples of thermal [dis]comfort, behaviors, and environmental satisfaction in the workplace. Windsor Conference on Resilient Comfort in a Heating World 2020. Windsor Park, Berkshire UK. (Full paper published in proceedings + presentation canceled due to COVID-19).

Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts

March 22-24, 2021Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) “Energy and comfort perceptions in university housing: A mixed-method approach to understanding the human-building interface.” WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Poster virtually presented March 22-24, 2021.)
March 22-24, 2021Ruiz, S.,Day, J. (2021) “Discovery and Development of a multi-tenant engagement program for a net-zero building: Engaging high-performance building occupants in Spokane, WA.” WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Poster virtually presented March 22-24, 2021.)
2021Day, J. (presented virtually, 2021). “Control, comfort, and codes: learning lessons from occupants.” Panel on Advancing Occupant Aspects of Building Energy Codes, Standards, and Policy. ASHRAE Virtual Winter Conference. Atlanta, GA.
2021Watson, L., Sterling, D., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Discovery and development of a multi-tenant engagement program for a Net-Zero building in Spokane, WA. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually).
2021Miller, D., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Collecting Industry Perceptions of LLLC Technologies. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually).
2021Moore, Z., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Exploration of Mixed Method Research Regarding Energy and Comfort in the Built Environment. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually).
2021Day, J., Ruiz, S. (presented virtually, 2021). “Seeking Barriers to Comfort and Energy Efficiency on a University Campus” to the 6th International Symposium on Occupant Behavior Research (OB-21). Trondheim, Norway. Virtual/hybrid event.
2020Day, J., Schwabe, A.; and Ruiz, S. (presented virtually, 2020). “How Does a Net-Zero Energy Building Tenant Behave?” to the 5th International Symposium on Occupant Behavior (OB-20). Southampton, UK. Presented virtually due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
2019Day, J & Anderson, A. (2019). BIM-based behavior: Using mixed-reality to inform design and occupant education in high-performance buildings. CONVR Annual Conference. (abstract accepted, but unable to present).
2019Burpee, H., Gunay, B., O’Brien, W., Day, J. (presented, 2019). Practical aspects of incorporating occupant considerations into the building design process. ASHRAE Winter Conference. Atlanta, GA.
2019Day, J. (presented, 2019). Understanding the link between indoor environmental quality, building interfaces, and human behavior. ASHRAE Annual Conference Kansas City, MO.
2019Day, J. (presented, 2019). A case study: Assessing occupants’ understanding of building controls in high-performance buildings. ASHRAE Winter Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Technical Reports

2019Day, J., Ruiz, S., Sterling, D., Watson, L, & Colf, H. (2019). McKinstry Summary Report 20191220, Integrated Design + Construction Lab, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.

Undergraduate& Graduate Research

March 30, 2023Colligan, Z., Post, A., Ruiz, S., Day, J. We’re All in this Together: A Tenant Engagement Program to Combat Campus-wide Energy Use. WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Presented March 30, 2023). Won GSPA First position in Engineering and Environmental Science Category.
March 27, 2023Rothlisberger, S., Ruiz, S., Day, J.(2023) Reducing Building Energy Use + Smart Strips. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented March 27, 2023)
March 27, 2023Roibal, J., Colligan, Z., Ruiz, S., Day, J. (2023) Somethings Got to Give: Integrating methodological changes in the face of limitations following a Smart Power Strip Study Implementation at WSU. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented March 27, 2023). Won Gray award for Undergraduate Research.
March 24, 2022Day, J., Ruiz, S., Olson, R. (2022) Smart power strips feasibility: Testing applications of advanced power management at university office workstations. WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Presented March 24, 2022).
March 24, 2022Ruiz, S. (2022) Learning about buildings from older adults: A qualitative study. WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Presented March 24, 2022).
March 22, 2021Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) “Energy and comfort perceptions in university housing: A mixed-method approach to understanding the human-building interface.” WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Poster virtually presented March 22-24, 2021.)
March 22, 2021Ruiz, S., Day, J. (2021) “Discovery and Development of a multi-tenant engagement program for a net-zero building: Engaging high-performance building occupants in Spokane, WA.” WSU Academic Showcase. Pullman, WA. (Poster virtually presented March 22-24, 2021.)
March 1, 2021Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021). “Seeking Barriers to Comfort and Energy Efficiency on a University Campus” to the 6th International Symposium on Occupant Behavior Research (OB-21). Trondheim, Norway. Virtual/hybrid event.
March 1, 2021Watson, L., Sterling, D., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Discovery and development of a multi-tenant engagement program for a Net-Zero building in Spokane, WA. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually).
March 1, 2021Miller, D., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Collecting Industry Perceptions of LLLC Technologies. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually).
March 1, 2021Moore, Z., Day, J., Ruiz, S. (2021) Exploration of Mixed Method Research Regarding Energy and Comfort in the Built Environment. WSU Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). (Presented virtually)